Competition days

Book a tee-off time using your OneGolf & Castlemaine Golf Club login details here.

Confused? Just follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Competition days 

  • Regular competition days are Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays – Please see the events calendar for more details on these and other special events.
  • Please contact our golf captains, Ross Bottomley 0419 091 154 and Julie Bottomley 0422 574 228 if you would like more details on any particular competition.

Saturday 18 hole

  • Start time is flexible but to avoid disappointment, we ask that players register .
  • If you are a new member, visitor, or single player and looking for a group to join in with, please feel free to enter your name and details in the booking sheet, or arrive just before 9 and we’ll find you a group or call Garry or Rosalie, above on the day before play.

Saturday 9 hole competition

  • Arrive at 8.30 am for a 9.00 am hit off.

Tuesday competition (Womens)

  • Arrive 8am for an 8.30am start from December to March, and 9.30am for 10am start from April to November.

Thursday 18 hole competitions

  • Players can hit-off at any time, as long as cards are returned by 5pm.
  • Players must enter their names on the competition sheet and pay their competition entry fee ($10) before play.

Daily 9 hole competition

  • The daily 9-hole competition is always stableford. Players must enter their names on the competition sheet, pay their entry fee ($5 for members and $20 for non-members) pay their competition entry fee ($10) before play.
  • Players are welcome to play as many 9-hole rounds as they like, with each score counting in the weekly competition.
  • Players may play either the front nine (holes 1-9) or the back nine (holes 10-18), the choice is yours.
  • Weekly results are announced on Thursdays.

All competitions are open to men and women (Gold Letter Events are restricted to certain membership categories).

Instructions for booking a tee-time

  • Login to Castlemaine Golf Club’s OneGolf site, here

  • Enter your user-name, which is the last 4 digits of your Golflink number excluding leading zeros – i.e., if your number was 3050801870, you would enter ‘1870’, but if it was 30508010065, you would enter ’65’.
  • Enter your password. If this is the first time you have used the system, your default password will probably be 0101 or the day and month of your birthday (e.g., 5th of May, would be 0505). You will be asked to create a new password after you login.
  • Click on ‘Bookings’ at the top of the screen:


  • Select the competition you want to book into from the list:

  • Simply select ‘Book Me’ at the time you want to book in and your name will automatically appear:

  • Or alternatively, you can book for an entire group by pressing ‘Book Group’:

  • If you make a mistake or can no longer play, you can easily remove your booking at any time by logging back in, finding your tee-off time and simply pressing the red x next to your name.
  • If this is all a bit difficult for you to work out, text Jason Thompson on 0457502134 and he’ll call you back.